Friday 26 December 2014

All your imperfections.

how many times have you questioned yourself? your self worth? your insanity? your actions and the thinks you have done wrong? all the mistakes you did

have you ever thought all your imperfections are the result of the things that pactople done to you and they are the signs of all little thinks someone stole from you.

you are not perfect but your imperfections dosent mean you are unworthy and you shouldnt question your sanity. there is nothing wrong with you and no it was not your choice to be this way ...
you might not be the bright light that attracts everyone .. you hurt easilyl.. its hard for you to trust anyone ,eaning you can never fully love someone without having doubts and the doubt is always within yourself and the question is are you capable of loving someone

you question the future and ask yourself is all the happiness that you seek is in the future or

Do it for you!

Ø  Do it for the people that keeps letting you down.
Ø  Do it for the people that abused you.
Ø  Do it so you don't have to rely on anyone.
Ø  Do it so you have enough money to keep instead of happiness.
Ø  Do it so you can just get up and leave without having to answer to anyone.
Ø  Do it so one day you don't let someone suffer like you are.
Ø  Do it so you don't sit in a house and think death would be better than to stay there.
Ø  Do it for the days when a single word from him would make your whole week and you wait hours that never come.
Ø  Do it for the day when he sees you and falls for you and the day when you have the power to refuse him.
Ø  Do it for the people who tell you they love you but doesn’t do anything to prove it.
Ø  Do it for the fire inside you that wants to throw all this away and start fresh.
Ø  Do it so you can get away from all the fake people.
Ø  Do it for the day when you have enough that you only need real people in your life.
Ø   Do it so you don't have to explain any of your behavior to anyone.
Ø  Do it so you can live by your own rules.
Ø  Do it for the life you want.
Ø  Do it for the people that never understood you.
Ø  Do it for the words that hurt you in the past.
Ø  Do it so the little piece of heaven you created at your own room becomes a whole house.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Put yourself first!

she asks me why cant i let it go and forget the past and be happy for others but she dosent realize i sleep alone i walk alone i think alone i exist alone and the only think that's following me and will always stay with me is my own shadow so i cant afford to hurt the only things that keeps me company. you walk around talking to people you open your hearts and arm to everyone you have people who will listen to your troubles but im not you. im still learning to love myself and to be kind to myself and there is no one that i completely trust or say it all... the thought of confrontations or telling someone about my problems sickens me to the stomach so much so i rather keep it in. im not you i need myself to function and to stop myself from jumping out the window. every time someone hurts me i build a layer of wall and pieces of heart has been taken away but you see that's just me. so im sorry if im so selfish i cant act to be happy just so that there is perfect picture for others to see... i have to live with myself so if im hurting on the inside then im gonna get up and go so i don't lie on the bed without nightmares and not being able to sleep.