Tuesday 12 August 2014

My love letter to you...

Your love is like wearing a rose tinted glass and looking at the world and seeing all the beauty. I love the way you look straight into my eyes even though its so intense i can't take it for more than few seconds that i have to look away and try not to melt my heart.I feel your hazel eyes can see through my soul and yet you can't seem to notice how i feel about you?! When you lean in so close to me and our hands touches and that moment when you move your leg and it accidentally hits my leg and i try not to react even though i can feel all these electric shocks travelling through my body!

Every time i see you i want to run my fingers through your chestnut brown hair and pull you in close to me and kiss you. Your toned arms makes me dream about the day you'll lift me up so high and slowly bring me down to kiss you gently. I want to explore the world with you and fall in love with each other and the world.  I want to make sweet love to you and give myself to you like i never have before. I love the way you walk me to my bus stop like a gentle men but i hate saying bye to you and i wish you would just hug me and never let me go.One day i want you to explore every inch of my body while every cell of my being yearns for more till i can't take it anymore. Every time you walk into the room and say hi i wish those words were just a shower of kisses. I ask the sun to slow down so i could spend more time with you.

i know the timing isn't perfect but i still want you to want me and i want me to be the person that you miss most. When will you say those three words to me? your eyes tell me things that your mouth won't.

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