Wednesday 16 July 2014

How to get a "super brain"...

So my most searched question on google is “how can you improve your brain function” and normally I just get the super foods and exercising and all those that I know will probably work but not enough of a excitement for me to do and as for the exercising I keep wanting to start it but never seem to be getting around to it. But today I hit the jackpot and I came a webite called the which was written by phil. Drolet and I was drawn to the title on becoming superhuman.,… I thought heck yes! As long as it doesn’t involve some crazy stunts. As I continued to read this he starts talking about 16 hour fasting- I don’t want to copy what he talks about so im just going to link his page. But its basically when you don’t eat for 16 hours continually and eat at the end of it then continue the cycle. Thankfully you are allowed to consume liquid and the 16 hours can be also included when you are sleeping although sleeping for 16hours is just ridiculous. Some of my friends who fast quite similarity (for religious reasons) and I noticed how clear their skin gets as well as increased energy level and more productivity but as much as I wanted this in the past I couldn’t say no to food. But like I said in the past blogs I want to continue to improve myself so I’m going to give this a go and guess what im going to write everything I go through here and well and I’m going to follow phil who i forgot to say is very handsome and looks good enough to be a superman; well why don’t we all join in this journey and get a step closer to becoming the best version of ourselves.
So my last meal is going to be at 9pm so 16 hours from that is at 3 so I can eat then ,
I think for me it would work best if I ate a large meal when I finish the 16 hours then another one at night few hours before I go to bed. Its my first time trying something like this so hopefully it will work out.
So main things I’m looking forward to is things like –
  1. Energy level increasing 
  2. Weight loss
  3. Increase Productivity
  4.  Mental clarity

So this is my thought on our eating habit till today I always thought the whole 1500 calories a day and 5 short meals a day was the perfect way to be in a healthy lifestyle. But now the more I think about it and more articles and blogs we read we have been brainwashed by this lifestyle that’s actually like a caged animal that need to eat in a much timetabled manner. If you think about it the whole calorie controlled life style is just nonsense I mean people in different countries have different eating habit and eat less than us and yet seem to be healthier than us. I think we are too preoccupied by the things like having 5fruits a day, and to have 1500 calories and brain washed by all these juicing ideas. We are not caged animals that need to eat like a being with no common sense in fact I think we are over eating and eating too regularly. 

Love life- so this is an update for you guys so few days ago I wrote about that guy in library and my crazy ass emotions and everything ( if you haven’t read I already read it then come back to this) well I had already mentioned my bad luck with love and well this just seem to be another story to the list. So I gave him two chances to show if does like me or not and well he hasn’t done anything…. So that’s the end of that. Sigh I wish guys came with a instruction manual I never understand them!!

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