how many times have you questioned yourself? your self worth? your insanity? your actions and the thinks you have done wrong? all the mistakes you did
have you ever thought all your imperfections are the result of the things that pactople done to you and they are the signs of all little thinks someone stole from you.
you are not perfect but your imperfections dosent mean you are unworthy and you shouldnt question your sanity. there is nothing wrong with you and no it was not your choice to be this way ...
you might not be the bright light that attracts everyone .. you hurt easilyl.. its hard for you to trust anyone ,eaning you can never fully love someone without having doubts and the doubt is always within yourself and the question is are you capable of loving someone
you question the future and ask yourself is all the happiness that you seek is in the future or
Friday, 26 December 2014
Do it for you!
Ø Do it for the people that keeps letting
you down.
Ø Do it for the people that abused you.
Ø Do it so you don't have to rely on anyone.
Ø Do it so you have enough money to keep
instead of happiness.
Ø Do it so you can just get up and leave
without having to answer to anyone.
Ø Do it so one day you don't let someone
suffer like you are.
Ø Do it so you don't sit in a house and
think death would be better than to stay there.
Ø Do it for the days when a single word from
him would make your whole week and you wait hours that never come.
Ø Do it for the day when he sees you and
falls for you and the day when you have the power to refuse him.
Ø Do it for the people who tell you they
love you but doesn’t do anything to prove it.
Ø Do it for the fire inside you that wants
to throw all this away and start fresh.
Ø Do it so you can get away from all the
fake people.
Ø Do it for the day when you have enough
that you only need real people in your life.
Ø Do
it so you don't have to explain any of your behavior to anyone.
Ø Do it so you can live by your own rules.
Ø Do it for the life you want.
Ø Do it for the people that never understood
Ø Do it for the words that hurt you in the
Ø Do it so the little piece of heaven you
created at your own room becomes a whole house.
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Put yourself first!
she asks me why cant i let it go and forget the past and be happy for others but she dosent realize i sleep alone i walk alone i think alone i exist alone and the only think that's following me and will always stay with me is my own shadow so i cant afford to hurt the only things that keeps me company. you walk around talking to people you open your hearts and arm to everyone you have people who will listen to your troubles but im not you. im still learning to love myself and to be kind to myself and there is no one that i completely trust or say it all... the thought of confrontations or telling someone about my problems sickens me to the stomach so much so i rather keep it in. im not you i need myself to function and to stop myself from jumping out the window. every time someone hurts me i build a layer of wall and pieces of heart has been taken away but you see that's just me. so im sorry if im so selfish i cant act to be happy just so that there is perfect picture for others to see... i have to live with myself so if im hurting on the inside then im gonna get up and go so i don't lie on the bed without nightmares and not being able to sleep.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
3 steps to fall out of love-
1. You have to remind
yourself if you can fall into love you can also fall out of love, so don't
think this pain will last forever, trust me it goes away.
2. When you like or love
someone its like you are wearing a rose tinted glasses which makes them look
perfect, like they could never do anything wrong and you think he is so
different to every guy who you known before but guess what he's not perfect no
one is! And maybe he has a different personality to other guys that you known
but he's still just another boy and not a god sent that you can't live without.
3.This is for the one side
lovers (my favourite) as hard and as cliché as it sounds realize He's just not
that in to you'. We never want to see the reality and seem desperate so we tell
ourselves you know what he/she likes me too but he's just confused like me but
face the reality we all have one side crushes/love on other people and its
perfectly okay because when you fall for someone you see something in them that
intrigues you and you want to get to know the person in a deeper level but its
not fair for you to think that person has to feel the same way about you
because that's not how people work and beauty is in the eye of the beholder and
you can't force someone to love you and you cant help loving someone but you
cant be in a one sided relationship so you just have to let go and keep
Saturday, 6 September 2014
The day will come..
The day will come when I find
my purpose in life, the day when I wake up in the morning a know exactly what
Im doing on the day, the day when I tell mu mum she no longer has to work
because I will be able to provide for her, the day when I no longer feel beneath
everyone, the day when I'm happy just
for being me, the day when i no longer have to say when or if, the day when I
can look myself in the mirror and see all the things I have overcome the
success that I achieved and not see all the failures, the day when my mum sees
me with those eyes that are over flowing with proudness, the day i feel worth
being alive, that day hasn't arrived but if you work hard enough today that day
will get closer and closer than you imagine. I want you to give 100% everyday and
i promise you will achieve all the greatness in the world.
Face the reality..
Its funny when I write things
because they are what I want things to be like and what I fantasize about but
I'm not a fool and I do know the reality of the situation but I sometimes I
choose to ignore it because well life is anything but a fantasy and its rough
and if your imagination can bring you happiness then so be it.
I know that the distance
isn't what's keeping us apart and I know that you could be living right next to
me and we still wouldn't be together. The distance is really nothing especially
at this time when we have so much acces to the internet, skype. Email and
I also know that if you said
the words I would've willingly waited for you to come back and even given
myself to you like I have never before.
I also know that as much of a
great guy you are its not 100% you moving that hurt my heart but its more so of
the past repeating itself. I try to be all strong on the outside and everything
but the reality is I been hurt too many times and have so many issues with
myself. I have this fear of being left behind and people not wanting me in
their lives because that's what I have experienced in the past and I still
haven't gotten over it because it still happens so when you gave me a hint of
happiness and then left me I saw it as the past repeating itself.
I know 😞 me and
you will never happen and as much as it hurts me on the inside I need to
realize I'm not what you're looking for and you're not what I need.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
In the past I always made myself fall out of love and I
don’t know why but I could never picture the person I like with me, and deep down in my heart I
know it wouldn't work out. But with you it’s so different I won’t give up and I
don’t want to give up even if you are 1000’s of miles away and I want to give
all my love to you. I always thought love was never meant for me as I can’t
seem to be in love with anyone for more than few days. Every time I talk myself
out of your love I remember how you make me feel and I stop myself.
The things you do they excite me not just physically but
mentally- the way you admit how close you are to your mother and not even have
to pretend to be cool. Boy the way you check me out and pretend it didn’t
happen and just look away! And the way
you asked me how my week was or that day when you told me not to let something
take me down! Those things mean so much to me than you’ll ever know.
Your love changes me in ways that I don’t even understand I
mean im sat at a bus stop having to wait an hour for a bus and being completely
ok with it and smiling like an idiot and yet I am very ok with that. I am truly
astonished by the way you are completely yourself and so comfortable around me
, how do you even do that? Its like we been together for days, weeks,
months.. when you are this comfortable
around me and yet im still having to remember myself to breath and tell myself
to stop grinning like an idiot.
You do everything right and yet you never do the things that
I want you to.. every time you leave I want you to pull me in closer to you and
tell me how much you will miss me and tell me you are falling in love with me.
But you don’t do those things but still walk me to the bus stop..
You tell me you’re not interested in just having a gf and
you won’t get one when you away and I hope to god that you stay by those words
and not forget me and fall for me like I have fallen for you.
I never wanted someone else to be the
reason for my happiness but just like everything else it hits you when you
don't expect it and you find yourself in a position that you never wanted to be
in.. That's exactly what happened to me!
Unlike the 100 times before i wasn't
looking to fall in love or went into a situation expecting to fall in love but
then it happened and you didn't make it hard for me either! In fact its never been
that easy.
I want to say i wish i hadn't met
you, i wish it was someone else who was at the door or wish for you to be
arrogant or have a characteristic that i wouldn’t have fallen for but deep down
i would fall for you all over again in a heart beat.
Be appreciative of today..
s“Normal day let me be aware of the treasure you
are, Let me learn from you, love you,
bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and
perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One
day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or
stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the
world, your return.”
Broken hearted girl...
I thought you could be the
sun shine after the storm i thought you could be my guide when my life falls
apart and i go through tough time. I was praying that we might end up together
and saw you as an an angel.
IM the one who lost her heart
but you had no intention of giving me yours and now my wish to end up with you
is like asking to see the stars with the sun.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
My Future

Find myself

things go
content with myself

my mum proud
My mum has done so much for me and things that I
could never repay her in anyway. But deep down all she wants is for me to be
successful and that’s more than anything I could do for her. I have seen her
when I made her proud and I want to see it in her eyes once again and be proud
of me.
You guys these are the things that are very
close to me and I want to share it with you guys and maybe even inspire to make
changes and realize what you need to do but as far as I’m concerned these are
the things that I want. I love you all and i wish you luck.
So you guys know from my previous 'countdown'
story what's going on. Well clearly the time has past and i haven't heard a
word from you for well 10 days. I thought we had something special and i
thought if i held on just a little more, just a little stronger you would
realize what we could have.
But like an idiot i waited everyday thinking you would call me, text me or at least email me. But it turns out my love has been just one sided.
Even today i woke up with a dream that you asked me to see me on skype and we were talking but like i said it was just a DREAM. It would be foolish of me to even consider waiting for you or even to waste time thinking of you so i guess it’s time to say goodbye.
I met you, i fell in love with you and now i will try to forget you. Before in my post i have mentioned that he is special to me and even now i do believe he is still special because you made me what i wanted and taught me not to give up and i will never give up on the things i want or deserve. GOODBYE
MOVIE REVIEW- The wolf wall street

But unforunatley i can't say the same for this, not only was i disappointed the movie but i was disappointed by Leonardo. The movie is just a disaster with over the top acting, men who seem to lost their dignity and behave like monstrous apes, unnecessary sex scenes.Its nothing more than well filmed porn.
Also has anyone noticed the unmissable indistinguishable similarity with the movie 'Great Gatsby'? So much so i felt like i was watching part 2 of The Great Gatsby!
Even the other supporting characters are not worth mentioning none of them play stronger enough characters, there are just too many characters with no background story. Okay so forget all the bad acting is the story any good? NOT EVEN! The story is not even realistic and none of the sequences has anything to back up its theory. I have a feeling that this movie is going to leave a unrealistic expectation of the job aswell as the outcomes. I don't want to bash up this movie because well my love for Leanadro has changed since this movie and i don't want to make it even worse.
Would i recommend you to watch this movie? well i wouldn't stop you from doing so. But don't go in with too much high expectations or suggest you to waste so much money.

Before you say god that's just not going to happen or think negative about it, remember this is not a task that you have to be happy every single hour every single day for 100 days but you find something everyday to be happy about. Im telling you this will change you in a good way and i really want you guys to stick with this challenge and maybe even do this with your friends like i am.
I will update you guys every single day and share a photo on instagram everyday so make sure you add me on instagram - justanothersteptohappiness. I will be starting the challenge on Monday 1st of September 2014.
To join with me on the challange go to -
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Movie review - Maleficent
Ø Maleficent-
Angelina Jolie
Ø Princess
Aurora- Elle Fanning
Ø Stefan-
Sharlto Copley
Ø Diaval-
Sam Riley
time – 97 minutes
movie is supposedly about the untold story of Disney’s iconic villain. I have
to say my initial thought was Disney please don’t ruin a character in attempt
to make more money. The story line is pretty average with the unexpected ending
and that’s what makes this movie different from the typical Disney movie and
bought it a success. The movie starts with a young beautiful fairy who falls in
love with a human boy and later he betrays her and steals her wings in return
to be crowned as the king and this turns her into evil and to seek revenge she
puts a curse on the kings daughter that she will prick her finger on the day of
her 16th birthday and fall into coma like sleep and can only be
woken by the kiss from true love. That’s when the real movie starts and
maleficent heart start to warm when she sees aurora growing up and tries to
break the curse but of course it can’t be broken.
all honestly the script itself isn’t all that great but the casts are the ones
who bought the story in to life. Of course the leading lady being Angelina
Jolie you can only expect the best. Her acting was exceptional! The way she
took to the character is just amazing, I love the way they showed her character
I mean she is supposed to be this evil fairy but deep inside she still has
parts of what used to be her and the way they portray her you see this outer
being as very dark, evil and very cold but you can still see this glimpse of
something so beautiful in her eyes; there are no words to explain this and you
will only understand this if you see the movie.
fanning plays the young princess and it’s my first time seeing her in any
movies and she is great at her role with her being so young and having the
almost angel type of look she suited her character really well and she shines
in few scenes.
the other characters play very supporting role and they fit perfectly into the
scene, especially the role of diaval , he plays the perfect wing man(
Overall I love the characters as well the unexpected ending which
is something unheard of in Disney movies and I would highly recommend everyone
to watch this from kids to adults.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Everyone tells me that im a fool for loving you and i am starting to realize that now but me being ever the optimistic in other people i want to give you a chance and i have to be honest this chance is not for you but more for me; for myself to prove that i wasn't a fool in love and that i haven't been so naive to think all those little things were a sign of your affection.Every time i tell them how i feel they all come up with the same response "maybe he's just not that in to you" and i never realized how much those words could hurt!. Im a big girl and i can deal with that but i just want you to prove that im not a desperate crazy girl, so you have till three days and if you don't say something then lets just say things will change.
Why did you do that to me?
I never wanted someone else
to be the reason for my happiness but just like everything else it hits you
when you don't expect it and you find yourself in a position that you never
wanted to be in.. That's exactly what happened to me! Unlike the 100 times before i
wasn't looking to fall in love or went into a situation expecting to fall in
love but then it happened and you didn't make it hard for me either! In fact its
never been that easy.
I want to say i wish i hadn't
met you, i wish it was someone else who was at the door or wish for you to be
arrogant or a characteristic that i wouldn't have fallen for but deep down i
would be in the same situation in a heart beat.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
My love letter to you...
Your love is like wearing a rose tinted glass and looking at the world and seeing all the beauty. I love the way you look straight into my eyes even though its so intense i can't take it for more than few seconds that i have to look away and try not to melt my heart.I feel your hazel eyes can see through my soul and yet you can't seem to notice how i feel about you?! When you lean in so close to me and our hands touches and that moment when you move your leg and it accidentally hits my leg and i try not to react even though i can feel all these electric shocks travelling through my body!
Every time i see you i want to run my fingers through your chestnut brown hair and pull you in close to me and kiss you. Your toned arms makes me dream about the day you'll lift me up so high and slowly bring me down to kiss you gently. I want to explore the world with you and fall in love with each other and the world. I want to make sweet love to you and give myself to you like i never have before. I love the way you walk me to my bus stop like a gentle men but i hate saying bye to you and i wish you would just hug me and never let me go.One day i want you to explore every inch of my body while every cell of my being yearns for more till i can't take it anymore. Every time you walk into the room and say hi i wish those words were just a shower of kisses. I ask the sun to slow down so i could spend more time with you.
i know the timing isn't perfect but i still want you to want me and i want me to be the person that you miss most. When will you say those three words to me? your eyes tell me things that your mouth won't.
I finally found myself...
For few years now i lost myself and i lost who i was and i didn't know who i was supposed to be or even if id belong in this world but then you came along and gave me something that i can't exactly say but it's like you gave me hope, hope for my future and hope to fall in love and for me that's enough. i don't know how you feel or how i make you feel but thanks for saving me. I always felt like best of my life has passed but it turned out i only had to do one thing to get everything back and that is to find my roots again.
Long term relationships and friendships.
How will i feel when i no longer see your face or feel your touch against my skin? would i still be in love with you .. seems like you haven't realized how i feel about you but what will the distance between us will do? will you finally see what you havent seen or will i just be someone that you left behind.
what you gave me..
you gave me a different type of love that i never experienced before.. you see i always thought it was over if didn't work out or even start but with you your love gave me hope and made me learn to be be myself and made me realize who i am and for that i will love you..always.
Thursday, 31 July 2014

Let me tell you a story - Being lonely in a world with million people…
Imagine a young girl who was bright and her future was almost planned out
and with everyone thinking she’ll achieve greatness. She wasn’t from the
richest of family infact her biggest worry was not having a dad not
because she wanted a dad but she hated the feeling of being treated in a
different way all because she didn’t have a dad because to her there was only
one person she needed in life and that was her grandmother , to her she was the
mother who was strict if she didn’t work hard enough but she was also the one
told me that I could achieve greatness and she believed in her and she
understood all her feelings and was the only person who was on the same page as
her. You see growing up her mother was only seen as her sister because she
married too young and was still growing up. For some reason she was always too
naïve and trusted everyone so when the girl was growing up she soon realized it
was her duty to look after her mother because of what her dad did to her in her
eyes all men were creatures that you had to avoid and she saw her mum as a easy
victim and she had to look after her so instead of being a child she had to
grow up too quickly to her falling in love was the worst thing you could do.
She was always pushed to work hard by her grandmother and her mother supported
her and took her to every tuition class but there was always a gap between her
mum and her and it seemed her mother never realized it. When she looks back now
she was given love and affection without having to ask for it but now she
doesn’t have anyone around that she could ask for.
He was from another country and they had to move
away from the one person she loved most in the world and from a small family
she wished so long she wouldn’t have to she had the feelings in her gut this
would be the end of her happiness, but she wanted her mum to be happy since she
married at 19 and divorced by 23 she wanted a man to look after her and she
wanted her to be happy and didn’t want to hold her back since all her
life she was told it the was the girls fault that her father had left since
according to her birth sign she’s not meant to have a father. She grew up
knowing she was the reason for her mums sadness and this was the only chance.
As soon as they arrived to his country there was never a day without drama and
he picked on her for every little thing. She wanted help for her to be the
smart girl that she was used to but in a another environment she had to teach
herself to learn English and no one ever believed in her and the only person
who always did she left behind and as days, weeks moths years passed her
grandmother grew older and she couldn’t burden her with the pain so she
pretended everything was okay and that they were happy but there wasn’t a day
where he picked on her he would say anything and always told her she was
worthless and when she grows up and married someone he would use her for sex
and leave her because she wasn’t worth anything,, she wasn’t used to being
treated like this then her mum became pregnant and they couldn’t get away from
him then came a time where he would be nice to her if she took his side and
stood against mum and so she did she thought if she made him happy then they
won’t end up divorcing her mum and could be happy. Then one night as she laid
between her mum and him he put his penis in her hand and made her hold it and
as her mum left to the toilet he would put his fingers inside her panties and
finger her with his rough fat fingers; you see she has been sexually abused in
the past before by cousin and she never told anyone because at that age she
thought it was her fault he was doing this and she was to blame and she felt
dirty and thought maybe she’s one of those whore that liked these kind of
feelings and didn’t want to tell anyone and be looked at by people as the
victim . in her eyes they were only doing this because she didn’t have a father
figure in her life to stand up for her so she was an easy victim . this guy who
sexually abused her was supposed to be the father that she yearned for but instead
she got him. She never focused on studies and wasted time on things that would
make her happy temporarily so she can forget the pain and ended up getting just
average grades in school and she couldn’t get into the course in college that
she wanted to, ever since she was younger she wanted to be a doctor and so she
wasted two years not doing well in college and ended up not going into
You see as soon as she turned 18 he told her she had
to leave the house , yeah he look her away from everything she had then
abandoned her. For years he been telling her he would physically kick her out.
The last ever conversation she had with him was when he told her he would grab
her by the hair on to the street and beat her with a brick, do you know how
18 year old girls heart would be if someone who was supposed to look after her
said that. So she decided to get help from the college she went to and get help
and moved into a housing projects for homeless youths then she started into
another college hoping to do well and change her life around. But do you know
how hard it is to live by yourself and cook, look after yourself at that age
with no help and on top of all this she had to pretend to her grandma she was
still at home happy and to her mother she had t portray an independent girl who
got out and was now happy do you know how much it breaks your heart? Do you
have any idea at all? Now she started to loose herself and turned into
something she despised and now she wishes her mum would understand when shes quite
with a blank look on her face rather than say she was being moody. She wished
for her mum to understand her the way grandma did but she wasn’t grandma and it
seems like she still hasn’t finished growing up and her daughter is almost
giving up on life. The girl hopes to find something that would make her
happy even if its temporary while she recover her lost life but it seems like
god not on her side and I hope she waits a little bit longer and doesn’t give
What would you want this girl to do now?
Should she just not see her mum and cope on her own ?
Eating with a chopstick

First ever MAC products!!!
I live there isn’t a mac store and the closest one is an hour drive and even
when you get there just like every other mac stores its overcrowded and the
staffs pretty much ignores everyone and pretend they are busy saving the world.
So it was last Tuesday night I ordered two things online just wanting to try
out their products. I purchased the ‘matte lipstick in SO CHAUD’ and fluid line
eye-liner gel in BLACK TRACK.
So let’s
start off with delivery service- I placed an order on Tuesday night and I
received it Friday morning which was very impressive and not only that I was
worried about not being happy with the products and not being able to return
it. But it comes with a free return stamp sort of thing and the envelope bag it
came in was resalable so if you were to return it just stick the return sticker
reseal and you’re sorted.

for the black eyeliner I was quite surprised by its texture since the only gel
eyeliner I have used before this was Maybelline which feels quite thick and
heavy but this feels so soft and very creamy and gives a really good dark
colour and you don’t get the heavy feeling at all. It applies quite
smoothly. Only negative thing is for the
price you are paying I would’ve expected to come with a brush but it didn’t so
you had to buy one.
alternative- Maybelline, but take in mind what I said about the texture and
it also dries off and then becomes hard to apply but the brush it comes with is
very good. But take in mind its £10 so u might as well bite the bullet and get
the mac product.
If you guys
like my makeup reviews then do let me know and tell me what you want me to test
out next.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
How to get a "super brain"...
So my last meal is going to be at 9pm so 16 hours from that is at 3 so I can eat then ,
I think for me it would work best if I ate a large meal when I finish the 16 hours then another one at night few hours before I go to bed. Its my first time trying something like this so hopefully it will work out.
So main things I’m looking forward to is things like –
- Energy level increasing
- Weight loss
- Increase Productivity
- Mental clarity
So this is my thought on our eating habit till today I always thought the whole 1500 calories a day and 5 short meals a day was the perfect way to be in a healthy lifestyle. But now the more I think about it and more articles and blogs we read we have been brainwashed by this lifestyle that’s actually like a caged animal that need to eat in a much timetabled manner. If you think about it the whole calorie controlled life style is just nonsense I mean people in different countries have different eating habit and eat less than us and yet seem to be healthier than us. I think we are too preoccupied by the things like having 5fruits a day, and to have 1500 calories and brain washed by all these juicing ideas. We are not caged animals that need to eat like a being with no common sense in fact I think we are over eating and eating too regularly.
Love life- so this is an update for you guys so few days ago I wrote about that guy in library and my crazy ass emotions and everything ( if you haven’t read I already read it then come back to this) well I had already mentioned my bad luck with love and well this just seem to be another story to the list. So I gave him two chances to show if does like me or not and well he hasn’t done anything…. So that’s the end of that. Sigh I wish guys came with a instruction manual I never understand them!!
Infidelity does not come from lack of love it comes from lack of RESPECT
it wrong for a woman to cheat when she doesn’t get any attention from her
husband. Marriage is for better or for worse I get that but woman needs
attention, and appreciation from the guys in our life and most importantly we
need to be reassured about our looks and maybe it is vain but if the one you
marry doesn’t realize how great you are and forgets your qualities then is he
worthy of having you. So if another man comes and shows appreciation for all
these things should she turn it down and be loyal but be sad and not be
fulfilled of her desires or should she go for the man who appreciated her and
makes her feel like a woman again. If it’s a duty for a woman to be loyal then
it’s the man’s duty to appreciate her and show her she is loved and appreciated.
think my love or is still quite childish I mean I rather spend a day watching
cartoons, animations than to go cinema and when I like someone I never think
about intimate stuff you know I just want someone to hold hands and place cute
little kisses on the cheek and to watch tv and forcing them to eat weird and
wonderful things. I think I’m still quite childish and maybe it’s because I
never had these things (well maybe that’s a lie ok I’ll rephrase it) I never
had it with someone that I actually liked; it’s always just for the sake of it.
Sometimes I just like the feeling of liking someone you know when you just
randomly smiling for no reason and then realize it’s because you’re thinking
about that someone special or when you hear a story or someone’s telling you
something and it reminds you of him or just the excitement your heart feels.
Well sometimes that feeling is good enough. I hope you understand what I mean.
wish people were like Facebook relationship status and would walk around with
tags saying with a partner or not then it would be so much easier. I don’t know
if he is single and well by the way he reacted to me it would seem like not but
then again you can never be sure of guys right!!.
What's your fantasy....
have a question to ask you what is your fantasy (not that kind) but like how
you would like to meet a guy. Well I’ll
tell you mine first and you tell me yours.
want to have the setting as a library and I want to be reading or looking for
books and I want him to see me through the book shelves and between the books
and I want him to slowly come to me and maybe comment about a book and
recommend a book to me that I should which should be about love or a cute title
and I’ll say ok I’ll read it and when I do I want to find a note in there with
a comment or something and I write back on the sheet… and he leave me a title
of the book I should read and with everyone there is a note and after a while I
finally meet him and well the rest should be …… I know I watch too much
romantic movies but come on wouldn’t that just be perfect. I know relationships
love isn’t perfect but it would go lot further if the start was set out more perfect.
now tell me what’s your fantasy and if it has already happened…..or are you
still looking
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